A Fast Q(λ) Algorithm Based on Second-Order TD Error
FU Qi-Ming1,LIU Quan1,2,SUN Hong-Kun1,GAO Long1,LI Jing1,WANG Hui1
1. School of Computer Science and Technology,Soochow University,Suzhou 215006 2. Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Education,Jilin University,Changchun 130012
Abstract:Q(λ) algorithm is a classic model-free-based off policy reinforcement learning with multiple steps which combines the value iteration and stochastic approximation. Aiming at the low efficiency and slow convergence for traditional Q(λ) algorithm,the n-order TD Error is defined from the aspect of the TD Error which is used to the traditional Q(λ) algorithm,and a fast Q(λ) algorithm based on the second-order TD Error (SOE-FQ(λ)) is presented. The algorithm adjusts the Q value with the second-order TD Error and broadcasts the TD Error to the whole state-action space,which speeds up the convergence of the algorithm. In addition,the convergence rate is analyzed,and the number of iteration mainly depends on 11-γ、1ε under the condition of one-step update. Finally,the SOE-FQ(λ) algorithm is used to the random walk and mountain car,and the experimental results show that the algorithm has the faster convergence rate and better convergence performance.
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