A Method for Human Gait Recognition Using SpatialTemporal Analysis
SU Han1,2, HUANG FengGang1
1.School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001 2.School of Computer Science, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068
Abstract A new method for modelfree recognition of gait based on silhouette in computer vision sequences is proposed. The silhouette shape is represented by a novel approach which includes not only the spatial body contour but also the temporal information. Using this shape representation, the temporal information is extracted with low cost of computation. First, a background subtraction is used to separate objects from background, and gait cycle is obtained by analyzing the variety of the silhouette width and height. Then, the spatial shape of walker and their motion by the temporal matrix are presented, and Discrete Fourier analysis is used to analyze the gait feature. The nearest neighbor classifier is used to distinguish the different gaits of human. The performance of the proposed approach is tested on different gait databases. Recognition results show it is efficient.
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