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  2007, Vol. 20 Issue (5): 675-680    DOI:
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A Robust Iris Localization Algorithm for NonIdeal Capturing Conditions
ZHANG Wen-Cong1, YE Xue-Yi1,2, LI Bin1, YAO Peng1, ZHUANG Zhen-Quan1
1.Department of Electronic Science and Technology, University of Science and
Technology of China, Hefei 230026
2.School of Communication Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018

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Abstract  The existing iris localization algorithms have fine performance for the iris images captured on ideal conditions. However, the captured iris images are greatly influenced by bad conditions, such as different luminance, eyelashes, hair, and glasses frame, which make precise localization be a hard task. To improve the robustness of iris localization, a novel localization algorithm is proposed based on the radial symmetry transform, in which the radial symmetry characteristic of the pupil is fully used to realize iris localization. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is robust to the influence of luminance and other complex conditions. Moreover, it realizes precise localization in a real-time system.
Key wordsIris Localization      Radial Symmetry Transform      NonIdeal Capturing Condition      Integral Differential Operator     
Received: 19 June 2006     
ZTFLH: TP181  
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Articles by authors
ZHANG Wen-Cong
YE Xue-Yi
LI Bin
YAO Peng
ZHUANG Zhen-Quan
Cite this article:   
ZHANG Wen-Cong,YE Xue-Yi,LI Bin等. A Robust Iris Localization Algorithm for NonIdeal Capturing Conditions[J]. , 2007, 20(5): 675-680.
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