3D Facial Depth Map Recognition in Different Poses with Surface Contour Feature
YE Chang-Ming1,JIANG Jian-Guo1,2,ZHAN Shu1,2,ANDO Shigeru3
1.School of Computer and Information,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230009 2.Engineering Research Center of Safety Critical Industrial Measurement and Control Technology of Ministry of Education,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230009 3.School of Information Science,The University of Tokyo,Tokyo,Japan,13-8656
Abstract Three-dimensional face recognition has drawn more and more attention,for it overcomes the shortcomings of two-dimensional face recognition technology that two-dimensional face recognition is susceptible to the influence of light,expression changes and pose variations. A face recognition method,Fourier descriptor and contour (FDAC),is proposed in this paper. It is based on the depth maps by the three-dimensional facial imaging system in different poses. Firstly,depth maps are corrected under the guidance of thedifferential geometry theory,and the human face features are described by the contours. Secondly,Fourier descriptor is employed to extract the facial features.Finally,these extracted features are used in the face recognition process. Experimental results show that FDAC has good recognition accuracy and it performs better in time cost compared with Eigenface method.
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