Vision Based Important Change Detection Method for Web Pages
SHI Cunhui1,2, YU Xiaoming1, LIU Yue1, JIN Xiaolong1,2, CHENG Xueqi1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Network Data Science and Technology,Institute of Computing Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190; 2. School of Computer Science and Technology,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049
Abstract Duplicate Web indexes of Web crawling can be reduced effectively by detecting important changes and determining changes of essential content in Web pages.Therefore,a vision based detection method is proposed to detect changes in different semantic regions of the page and compress the page into a low dimensional vector representation.The proposed method is utilized to understand the difference of semantic importance in different regions from the perspective of users.Compared with the existing methods,the proposed method is independent of the analysis of HTML,and thus it is suitable for new media,such as mobile Internet.Experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Corresponding Authors:
SHI Cunhui,Ph.D.candidate,engineer.His research interests include network science,information reco-mmendation and event extraction.
About author:: YU Xiaoming,Ph.D.,senior engineer.His research interests include Internet search and mining.LIU Yue,Ph.D.,associate professor.Her research interests include text mining,Web search,complex network analysis and social computing.JIN Xiaolong,Ph.D.,professor.His research interests include knowledge graph and knowledge engineering.CHENG Xueqi,Ph.D.,professor.His research interests include big data analysis and mining.
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