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Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence  2024, Vol. 37 Issue (7): 571-583    DOI: 10.16451/j.cnki.issn1003-6059.202407001
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Event-Driven Story Writing Based on Three-Act Structural Chain-of-Thought and Semantic Self-Consistency
HUANG Yuxin1,2, ZHAO Yuan1,2, YU Zhengtao1,2, WU Lei1,2, MA Jiushun1,2
1. Faculty of Information Engineering and Automation, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650504;
2. Key Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence in Yunnan Province, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650504

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Abstract  Event-driven story writing aims to create coherent stories that conform to event content based on limited background and event information. However, existing methods often suffer from semantic incoherence and plot conflicts due to insufficient reasoning about complex event relationships. To address these problems, a method for event-driven story writing based on three-act structural chain-of-thought and semantic self-consistency is proposed in this paper. Before generating the story, diverse story examples are selected to enable the model to learn different storytelling styles. During the story generation, a chain-of-thought is designed based on three-act structure of setup, confrontation and resolution, guiding the model to reasonably plan the story content and avoid plot inconsistencies. After the story is generated, semantic self-consistency is introduced to simulate the writer's deliberation process, selecting the most semantically consistent, coherent and relevant story from multiple generated versions. Experiments show that the proposed method improves BLEU-4 and BERTScore metrics and demonstrates certain advantages in human evaluations as well.
Key wordsEvent-Driven Story Writing      Large Language Model      Semantic Self-Consistency      Three-Act Structural Chain-of-Thought     
Received: 13 June 2024     
ZTFLH: TP391  
Fund:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.62266027, U21B2027, U23A20388), Science and Technology Major Special Projects of Yunnan Province(No.202302AD080003, 202303AP140008),Fundamental Research Major Special Projects of Yunnan Province(No.202401BC070021), Kunming University of Science and Technology's "Double First Class" Joint Special Project(No.202201BE070001-021)
Corresponding Authors: YU Zhengtao, Ph.D.,professor. His research interests include na-tural language processing and machine translation.   
About author:: HUANG Yuxin, Ph.D., associate profe-ssor. His research interests include natural language processing and text summarization. ZHAO Yuan, Master student. His research interests include natural language processing and story generation. WU Lei, Master student. His research interests include natural language processing and comment generation. MA Jiushun, Master student. His research interests include natural language processing and text summarization.
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YU Zhengtao
WU Lei
MA Jiushun
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HUANG Yuxin,ZHAO Yuan,YU Zhengtao等. Event-Driven Story Writing Based on Three-Act Structural Chain-of-Thought and Semantic Self-Consistency[J]. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2024, 37(7): 571-583.
http://manu46.magtech.com.cn/Jweb_prai/EN/10.16451/j.cnki.issn1003-6059.202407001      OR     http://manu46.magtech.com.cn/Jweb_prai/EN/Y2024/V37/I7/571
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