Abstract:Neighborhood entropy is adopted as the sample selection criteria in active learning. The example with the highest entropy value is considered as the most uncertain one based on current nearest neighbor rule. And labeling the most uncertain example can achieve higher accuracy with fewer samples. An active learning algorithm based on neighborhood entropy is proposed. The scheme estimates entropy value of neighbor unlabeled sample and label the sample with the highest value. Experimental results show the example selection based on neighborhood entropy achieves higher accuracy compared with maximal distance sampling and random sampling.
王珍钰,王熙照. 基于近邻熵的主动学习算法[J]. 模式识别与人工智能, 2011, 24(1): 97-102.
WANG Zhen-Yu, WANG Xi-Zhao. Active Learning Algorithm Based on Neighborhood Entropy. , 2011, 24(1): 97-102.
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