Abstract:An automatic text summarization approach is proposed based on textual unit association network. The word-based and sentence-based association networks are constructed respectively. For the word, a new approach is used to compute the word weights and then the weight of the sentence is evaluated based on the weights of words contained in the sentence. For the sentence, a new approach is presented to weight the salience of a sentence based on its cooccurrence information. Finally, salient sentences are extracted into the output summary till the desired summary length is satisfied. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can achieve better summarization performance than the existing methods. Moreover, the proposed scheme of term weighting can be used for keyword extraction, text classification and clustering and other information retrieval tasks.
陶余会,周水庚,关佶红. 一种基于文本单元关联网络的自动文摘方法*[J]. 模式识别与人工智能, 2009, 22(3): 440-444.
TAO Yu-Hui, ZHOU Shui-Geng, GUAN Ji-Hong. Automatic Text Summarization Approach Based on Textual Unit Association Networks. , 2009, 22(3): 440-444.
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