Semantics and Reasoning of Hybrid Terminological Cycles in Description Logic εL with RVM
JIANG YunCheng1,2, WANG Ju1, ZHOU ShengMing1, TANG Yong2
1.College of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Guangxi Normal University,Guilin 5410042. Department of Computer Science, Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou 510275
Abstract:The current research progresses and problems of terminological cycles in description logics are analyzed in this paper. Based on the research of Baader F and Brandt S, the semantics and reasoning of hybrid terminological cycles in description logic εL with RVM is further studied. The syntax and semantics of hybrid terminological cycles in description logic εL with RVM are given. Aiming at the requirement of subsumption reasoning of hybrid terminological cycles in description logic εL with RVM, TBoxcompletion is presented and the description graph is redefined. The subsumption reasoning algorithms of hybrid terminological cycles in description logic εL with RVM w.r.t. greatest fixpoint semantics and descriptive semantics are presented using TBoxcompletion and description graph. The correctness of reasoning algorithms has been proved. And it is also proved that the subsumption reasoning w.r.t. greatest fixpoint semantics and descriptive semantics can be computed in polynomial time.
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