Abstract:An algorithm of sparse feature extraction model is proposed based on deep and symmetric subspace learning. According to the theory of deep subspace learning, the constraints of symmetry and sparsity are introduced and the deep map network is built to extract features. Firstly, the basic subspace mapping matrix is constructed by minimizing the reconstruction error and the constraints of symmetry and sparsity are introduced for training. Next, the basic subspace model based on deep learning is reformed, and the deep symmetric sparse feature extraction model is built. These feature extraction results from different layers are merged to obtain the multi-layered deep symmetric subspace sparse feature. The experimental results on face databases show that the proposed algorithm achieves high recognition rates and strong robustness in illumination, expression and pose. Furthermore, compared with the convolutional neural networks, the proposed algorithm has the advantages of simple structure and high convergent rate.
胡正平,陈俊岭,王蒙,孙哲. 深层融合对称子空间学习稀疏特征提取模型*[J]. 模式识别与人工智能, 2017, 30(7): 653-662.
HU Zhengping, CHEN Junling, WANG Meng, SUN Zhe. Sparse Feature Extraction Model Based on Deep and Symmetric Subspace Learning. , 2017, 30(7): 653-662.
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