Abstract:The existing self-supervised speech representation learning methods based on reconstruction are trained by restoring and rebuilding speech frames. However, the phoneme category information contained in the speech frame is underutilized. Combining self-supervised learning and noisy student training, a clustering and retraining based self-supervised speech representation learning method is proposed. Firstly, based on an initial self-supervised speech representation model (the teacher model),the pseudo-label reflecting the phoneme class information is obtained via unsupervised clustering. Secondly, the pseudo-label prediction task and the original masked frame reconstruction task are combined to retrain the speech representation model(the student model). Finally, the new student model is taken as the new teacher model to optimize pseudo-labels and representation models continually by iterating the whole clustering and retraining processes. Experimental results show that the speech representation model after clustering and retraining achieves better performance in downstream phoneme recognition and speaker recognition tasks.
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