Chain Entity Relation Extraction Model with Filtering Mechanism
XIA Hongbin1,2, SHEN Jian1, LIU Yuan1,2
1. School of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122; 2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Media Design and Software Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122
Abstract:Stacking labeling layer is commonly adopted to deal with relation overlap in current entity relation extraction task. In this method, the calculation of the labeling layers corresponding to many relations is redundant, resulting in sparse labeling matrix and weak extraction performance of the model. To solve these problems, a chain entity relation extraction model with filtering mechanism is proposed. Firstly, the vector feature of the text is obtained through the encoding layer, then the subject, object and relation of the relation triple are sequentially extracted through the five-stage chain decoding structure. The chain decoding structure avoids the sparse labeling matrix, and the automatic alignment of entities and relations is completed through the filtering mechanism. In the decoding process, conditional layer normalization is employed to improve the fusion degree of features between stages and reduce the impact of error accumulation. Gated unit is utilized to optimize the fitting performance of the model. Head-to-tail separation and relation correction module are applied to multiple verification of relation sets. Comparative experiments on public datasets show that the proposed model achieves better performance.
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