Abstract:Action recognition has become a hotspot in the fields of video surveillance, virtual reality, human-computer interaction and others recently. In this paper, action recognition is comprehended as a process of detecting action data, called symbols of action message, and distinct actions based on action feature extraction and reception are further classified. On the basis, an overview of vision-based full-body action recognition techniques is presented within the domain of moving object detection, action feature extraction and action feature perception, and the corresponding methods are classified. Besides, the research trend of action recognition is discussed.
李瑞峰,王亮亮,王珂. 人体动作行为识别研究综述[J]. 模式识别与人工智能, 2014, 27(1): 35-48.
LI Rui-Feng, WANG Liang-Liang, WANG Ke. A Survey of Human Body Action Recognition. , 2014, 27(1): 35-48.
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