Structure Analysis for Human Models Based on Surface and Spatial Features
HAN Li1,2, LI Lin1, XU Jian-Guo1, TANG Di1
1.School of Computer Science and Information Technology, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116081 2.School of computer science and technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024
Abstract Structural feature of a 3D model has strong stability in affine transformation, and it effectively avoids the ambiguity of shape understanding. A method for 3D human structure analysis is developed by combining surface geometric feature with spatial feature. Aiming at the limitation of geodesic distance in revealing local part details of 3D human models, an approach is introduced for interior volume computation, and then it implements the structure detection and segmentation with the help of the fusion of surface shape feature and spatial structure feature. The proposed method not only improves the stability and applicability of shape analysis, but also enhances the accuracy of skeletal descriptor for 3D human model, and it can be further applied to the model identification and retrieval.
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