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Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
22 Judgement and Disposal of Academic Misconduct Article
22 Copyright Transfer Agreement
22 Proof of Confidentiality
22 Requirements for Electronic Version
22 Chinese Association of Automation
22 National ResearchCenter for Intelligent Computing System
22 Institute of Intelligent Machines,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ethics Statement  


Publication Ethics Statement


Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (PR&AI) is a scientific journal with strict peer-reviewed procedure, and we always stick to the principles of reinforcing scientific ethics and cultivating academic atmosphere. The statement for publication is as bellow.

a. Emphasize scientific ethics progress and promote creative spirit.

b. Considate academic integrity and standardize academic behavior.

c. Encourage the reviewers observe professional ethics.

d. Require the authors to follow professional standards.

Editors, reviewers and authors of PR&AI should perform the following responsibilities, and follow the related guidelines and requirements of the journal.

Responsibilities of editor

1.The editors should adhere to the code of conduct by Committee on Publication Ethics(COPE)  and implement practice guidelines by COPE.

2. The editors are obligated to serve authors and reviewers. The strict peer-reviewed procedure should be executed for each manuscript and the principles of fairness and justice should be upheld for the review, acceptance and rejection of manuscripts.

3. The editors should conduct the inspection against academic misconducts for each manuscript in the review process.

4. The editors are required to claim the copyright transfer agreement signed by each author and proof of confidentiality.

5. the editors have the duties to protect intellectual property right and are forbidden to leak the paper content to anyone without participation in the review process before publication.

Responsibilities of Author

1.The submitted manuscript should be authors’ original research. The content should be free of any academic misconducts, including plagiarism, fabrication, falsificationinappropriate authorship, multiple submissionsoverlapping publications and slicing publication. The content should be in compliance with the requirements of relevant rules and policies. The manuscript should not involve the secret information.

2.Sources of ideas, achievements, etc. cited in the manuscript and the financial support of research programs that do not involve secret should be specified.

3.Authorship should be limited to those who have made contributions to the research. Authors should have no dispute on the author order. The correspondence author should ensure that the publication of the manuscript is authorized by the other authors.

Responsibilities of reviewer

1.Reviewers should conduct the review grounded on the academic quality criteria strictly.  The review of submitted manuscripts should be objective, just and fair.

2.The reviewers should express their views clearly about whether the submitted manuscript should be published or not. If plagiarism, overlapping publication, misconceptions, data falsification and intellectual errors are found in a manuscript, reviewers should inform the editorial office immediately.

3.The reviewers should have no potential competing interests with the author or the research funder.

4. The reviewers are not allowed to seek private interests through manuscript review or even commit plagiarism of the submitted manuscript.

Article Retraction

If falsification, plagiarism, or serious errors are found in a published article, the editorial office/ board will immediately publish a statement of article retraction, corrections and a public letter of apology to rectify the mistake. The relevant databases including the concerned article will be notified to withdraw it.

Identification and Disposal of Academic Misconduct

The editorial office makes a set of rules on defining and handling academic misconduct and judgments on articles are made according to identification criteria of academic misconducts. If misconduct is found in an article, the editorial office will impose penalties on him/her according to the seriousness of the case, including article retraction, giving a written warning and informing the institution he/she is affiliated to.

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Copyright © 2010 Editorial Office of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
Address: No.350 Shushanhu Road, Hefei, Anhui Province, P.R. China Tel: 0551-65591176 Fax:0551-65591176 Email: bjb@iim.ac.cn
Supported by Beijing Magtech  Email:support@magtech.com.cn