Abstract The impact of Smith-predictor parameters on the control system performance is analyzed detailedly, and a multi-objective optimization control scheme of Smith-predictor parameters is proposed. The performance of the control system is improved by the model mismatch. Due to high order,large inertia and strong nonlinearity of the superheated steam temperature plant, a Smith-predictor parameter multi-objective self-tuning optimization control system is designed based on cascade PID. The control scheme is applied to a 600MW supercritical boiler superheated steam temperature control. The simulation results show that the proposed approach has a good robustness and can effectively overcome the long dead time and nonlinearity of the system, and it has much better performance compared with cascade PID and normal Smith predictor.
LIU Chang-Liang,MA Zeng-Hui. Multi-objective Optimization Control of Smith-Predictor Parameters in Superheated Steam Temperature System[J]. , 2015, 28(3): 282-288.
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