HU YU-Wen1,2,3, XU Jiu-Cheng1,2, ZHANG Qian-Qian1,2
1.College of Computer and Information Engineering, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007 2.Engineering Technology Research Center for Computing Intelligence and Data Mining, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007 3.Library, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007
Abstract The study on decision evolution sets is limited to horizontal evolution and there is a lack of the study on vertical evolution. In this paper, decision information system is divided by different granularities based on decision evolution sets, and therefore different granule sets from the decision information system are formed in different granular spaces. Then, the interaction and the relationship of the decision rules generated from the time granules in different granular spaces are analyzed. Finally, the running process of vertical evolution of decision information system is shown by examples.
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