Key Laboratory of Computer Vision and System of Ministry of Education,Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Intelligence Computing and Novel Software Technology, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384
Abstract Much attention is paid to action description algorithm based on depth data now. However, there is no robust, efficient and distinguishing feature representation for depth data. To solve the problem, human action description algorithm based on depth dense spatio-temporal interest point is proposed. Multi-scale depth dense feature spatio-temporal interest points are selected and then tracked, and the trajectories of these points are saved. Finally, the trajectory information is utilized to represent human action. Through the evaluation on DHA, MSR Action 3D and UTKinect depth action dataset, the proposed algorithm show better performance compared with some state-of-the-art algorithms.
SONG Jian-Ming,ZHANG Hua,GAO Zan等. Human Action Description Algorithm Based on Depth Dense Spatio-Temporal Interest Points[J]. , 2015, 28(10): 939-945.
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