Abstract Preference features can not be accurately analyzed and explained by singular value decomposition. Aiming at these problems, a column union row(CUR) matrix decomposition method is proposed to acquire a low-rank approximation of the original matrix M (user preferences for products) and extract the potential preferences of users and products. The statistics leverage score of matrix M is calculated firstly. And then, several rows and columns with higher scores are extracted to constitute low-dimensional matrix C and matrix R. Subsequently, the matrix U is constructed approximatively according to matrix M, C and R. By the proposed method, the extraction problem of preference feature in a high-dimensional space is transformed to the matrix analysis problem in a lower dimensional space. As a consequence, the CUR decomposition has better accuracy and interpretability. Finally, the theoretical analysis and experiment indicate that compared with the traditional decomposition methods, the CUR matrix decomposition method has higher accuracy, better interpretability and higher compression ratio for extracting preference feature.
Fund:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.61572419,61572418,61403328,61403329), Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(No.2015GSF115009,ZR2014FQ016,ZR2014FQ026,ZR2013FM011)
About author:: LEI Hengxin, bron in 1993, master student. His research interests include matrix decomposition and its application in the recommendation system and the feature extraction of preference. (LIU Jinglei(Corresponding author), born in 1970, master, associate professor. His research interests include artificial intelligence and theoretical computer science.)
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