Generation of Localized and Visible Adversarial Perturbations
ZHOU Xingyu1,2, PAN Zhisong2, HU Guyu2, DUAN Yexin2,3
1. Communication Engineering College, Army Engineering University of PLA, Nanjing, 210007; 2. Command and Control Engineering College, Army Engineering University of PLA, Nanjing, 210007; 3. Zhenjiang Campus, Army Military Transportation University, Zhenjiang 212003
Abstract Deep neural network is susceptible to the disturbance of adversarial attacks. Based on the generative adversarial networks, a novel model of GAN for generating localized and visible adversarial perturbation(G2LVAP) is proposed. Firstly, the attacked classification network is designated as a discriminator, and its parameters are fixed during the training process. The generator model is constructed to generate localized and visible adversarial perturbations by optimizing fooling loss, diversity loss and distance loss. The generated perturbations can be placed anywhere in different input examples to attack the classification network. Finally, a class comparison method is proposed to analyze the effectiveness of localized and visible adversarial perturbations. Experiments on public image classification datasets indicate that G2LVAP produces a satisfactory attack effect.
Fund:Supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2017YFB0802800), National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.61473149)
Corresponding Authors:
PAN Zhisong, Ph.D., professor. His research interests include pa-ttern recognition and machine learning.
About author:: ZHOU Xingyu, Ph.D. candidate, lec-turer. His research interests include computer vision and adversarial examples.HU Guyu, Ph.D., professor. His research interests include computer network, communication network management and network inte-lligent technology.DUAN Yexin, Ph.D. candidate, lecturer. His research interests include adversarial exam-ples and image recognition.
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