Abstract Lightweight convolution neural networks embody the advantages in small parameters, low computational cost and fast reasoning speed. However, the performance of the networks is greatly limited. To improve the performance of the lightweight image super-resolution network, a lightweight image super-resolution network based on regional complementary attention and multi-dimensional attention is proposed. Its basic component,dual branch multiple interactive residual block, can fuse multi-scale features effectively. To improve the utilization and expression ability of features, effective lightweight region complementary attention is designed to make the information in different regions of the feature map complement each other. Multi-dimensional attention is designed to model the dependencies between pixels in channel and spatial dimensions. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed network is superior to the current lightweight super-resolution methods in complexity and performance balance.
Corresponding Authors:ZHOU Dengwen, master, professor. His research interests include image denoising, image demosaic, image interpolation and image super-resolution.
About author:: About Author:WANG Wanjun, master student. Her research interests include computer vision and deep learning.
MA Yu, master student. His research interests include computer vision and deep learning.
GAO Dandan, master student. Her research interests include computer vision and deep learning.
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