Multi-evolutionary Features Based Link Prediction Algorithm for Social Network
HE Yulin1,2, LAI Junlong2, CUI Laizhong1,2, HUANG Zhexue1,2, YIN Jianfei2
1. Guangdong Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy(SZ), Shenzhen 518107; 2. Big Data Institute, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060
Abstract Social network link prediction aims to predict future link relationships based on known network information, in which there are important applications for recommender systems and co-authorship networks. However, existing link prediction algorithms often ignore multi-evolutionary features of social networks and have high training time complexity, limiting their execution efficiency and application performance. To address these problems, a multi-evolutionary features based link prediction algorithm for social network(MEF-LP) is proposed. Firstly, a simple and efficient time extreme learning machine model is designed to transfer and aggregate the temporal information of social network snapshot sequences, using gated networks and extreme learning machine self-encoders. Secondly, multiple multilayer extreme learning machines are constructed to map temporal features from multiple perspectives, mining different evolutionary features of social networks and ultimately integrating them into comprehensive evolutionary features. Finally, the extreme learning machine-based classifiers are utilized to complete the link prediction. Experiments on six real social networks show that MEF-LP can reasonably learn the multi-evolution features of social networks and achieve better prediction performance.
Fund:Supported by General Project of Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province(No.2023A1515011667), Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation(No.2023B1515120020), General Project of Basic Research Foundation of Shenzhen(No.JCYJ20210324093609026), Science and Technology Major Project of Shenzhen(No.202302D074)
Corresponding Authors:
HE Yulin, Ph.D., professor. His research interests include big data system computing technologies, statistical analysis methods for multi-sample, and machine learning algorithms and their applications.
About author:: LAI Junlong, Master student. His research interests include link prediction algorithms for social networks, optimizations and applications of random weight networks. CUI Laizhong, Ph.D., professor. His research interests include internet architecture, edge computing, big data and AI-driven new network design and optimization. HUANG Zhexue, Ph.D., professor. His research interests include data mining, machine learning and big data system computing technologies. YIN Jianfei, Ph.D., associate professor. His research interests include big data, machine learning, and statistics and numerical optimizations.
HE Yulin,LAI Junlong,CUI Laizhong等. Multi-evolutionary Features Based Link Prediction Algorithm for Social Network[J]. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2024, 37(7): 597-612.
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