A Fast FCM Cluster MultiThreshold Image Segmentation AlgorithmBased on Entropy Constraint
TIAN JunWei1,2, HUANG YongXuan1, YU YaLin3
1.School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 7100492. School of Mechanic and Electronic Engineering, Xi'an Technological University,Xi'an 7100323. Shanxi Huajing MicroElectronics Co.Ltd., Xi'an 710062
Abstract Aiming at the time consuming problem of traditional fuzzy cmean (FCM) cluster segmentation, a fast entropy constraint based fast FCM segmentation algorithm is proposed. The minimum resample ratio is studied, in which the sampled image can keep the most information of the initial image, and the limitation function of resample ratio is deduced. During calculation of the resample ratio, the relative entropy loss constraint of histogram is introduced to keep the sampled image out of serious distortion. Experiments are performed with entropy loss , and the results show that the multithreshold segmentation results of the proposed algorithm are almost as good as that of traditional FCM cluster segmentation algorithm. Moreover, the average consuming time of the proposed method is reduced greatly compared with traditional FCM algorithm, the calculational efficiency is increased obviously. The experiment results accord with the theory and the validity of the proposed algorithm is verified.
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