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  2008, Vol. 21 Issue (2): 214-220    DOI:
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Motion Segmentation Based on Region Shrinking and DIRECT Algorithm
LI ZhiHui, HUANG FengGang
School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001

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Abstract  Segmentation of motion image sequences is an important problem in computer vision. In this paper, maximizer of the posterior marginalsmaximum a posteriori (MPMMAP), is adopted based on Bayesian frame for motion segmentation. Firstly, the smoothness term of likelihood function in Bayesian frame is redefined. The region shrinking algorithm is used to estimate the supporting regions of moving objects during the iteration. Then a model is proposed which represents the affine motion with 6 parameters by the center and main axes of a region. Motion parameters are estimated merely by pixels on main axes and derived more quickly than before. The estimation is transformed into a kind of optimal problem with parameters in limited ranges, and DIRECT algorithm is used to compute the motion parameters. Compared with the traditional algorithms, the proposed method improves the accuracy and stability in motion parameter estimation. The results of simulated experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Key wordsMotion Segmentation      Maximizer of the Posterior MarginalsMaximum A Posteriori (MPMMAP)      Region Shrinking Algorithm      Affine Model of Main Axes      DIRECT Algorithm     
Received: 24 July 2007     
ZTFLH: TP391.4  
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LI ZhiHui
HUANG FengGang
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LI ZhiHui,HUANG FengGang. Motion Segmentation Based on Region Shrinking and DIRECT Algorithm[J]. , 2008, 21(2): 214-220.
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