Weighted Dependence of Neighborhood Rough Sets and Its Heuristic Reduction Algorithm
XU Bo1,2, ZHANG Xianyong1,2, FENG Shan1
1.School of Mathematical Sciences, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068 2.Institute of Intelligent Information and Quantum Information, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068
Abstract Neighborhood rough sets act as an effective tool for data processing of numeric attributes. According to neighborhood rough sets, the traditional dependency and its reduction rarely take the absolute structure of neighborhood covering into account. Therefore the weighted dependence and its heuristic reduction algorithm are established in this paper. Firstly, the weighted dependence is proposed to gain its measure improvement and granulation monotonicity, and its relevant attribute reduction is defined. Secondly, the self-adapting valuing of the neighborhood radius is analyzed, and the neighborhood weighted dependence reduction(NWDR algorithm) is constructed. Finally, contrast experiments on UCI datasets are implemented, and both the monotonicity of the weighted dependence and the effectiveness of NWDR are verified. The weighted dependence improves the uncertainty representation ability of the classical dependence, and the relevant NWDR exhibits higher classification accuracy and stronger application applicability.
Fund:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.61673285,61203285), Sichuan Youth Science and Technology Foundation(No.2017JQ0046), Scientific Research Fund of Sichuan Provincial Education Department(No.15ZB0029)
Corresponding Authors:
ZHANG Xianyong, Ph.D., professor. His research interests include rough sets, granular computing and data mining.
About author:: XU Bo, master student. His research inte-rests include rough sets, data mining and intelligence algorithms.FENG Shan, Ph.D., professor. His research interests include artificial intelligence algorithm, intelligent software platform deve-lopment and data mining.)
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