Speaker Verification Based on GMM Multidimensional Likelihoods and SVM |
LIU MingHui, DAI BeiQian, XIE YanLu |
MOEMicrosoft Key Laboratory of Multimedia Computing and Communication, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027 Department of Electronic Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026 |
Abstract In this paper, a textindependent speaker verification system based on GMM multidimensional likelihoods and SVM is proposed, which combines the advantages of both generative model and discriminative model. In this method, the GMM multidimensional likelihoods for the test speech are regarded as new features for SVM. Experiment results of textindependent speaker verification on NIST'05 8conv4w1conv4w database show effectiveness of the proposed system.
Received: 08 November 2006
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