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  2007, Vol. 20 Issue (2): 185-190    DOI:
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A Model Selection Method of Influence Diagrams Based on PSEM Algorithm and BP Neural Network
YAO HongLiang, ZHANG YouSheng , WANG Hao, Wang RongGui
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009

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Abstract  In the model selection of influence diagrams(IDs), the problems of the data dependency, the computation complexity and nonprobability relation are discussed. Based on the structure decomposition of IDs, a PSEM algorithm is presented. A BP Neural Network is introduced by learning local utility function of each utility node, and the overfitting is avoided by inducing the threshold of weights. To reduce the data dependency, a new MDL scoring is presented which includes the prior knowledge of network structures. Based on SEM algorithm, PSEM algorithm induces the new MDL scoring, and separates parameters learning from structures scoring to improve the computation efficiency. Compared with SEM algorithm, the performances of both the computation complexity and the data dependency of PSEM algorithm are improved, and the model selection of the utility part is easy to achieve.
Key wordsInfluence Diagrams (IDs)      Structural Expectation Maximization (SEM) Algorithm      Back Propagation (BP) Neural Network      Minimum Description Length (MDL) Scoring     
Received: 17 February 2006     
ZTFLH: TP181  
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YAO HongLiang
ZHANG YouSheng
Wang RongGui
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YAO HongLiang,ZHANG YouSheng,WANG Hao等. A Model Selection Method of Influence Diagrams Based on PSEM Algorithm and BP Neural Network[J]. , 2007, 20(2): 185-190.
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