Feature Selection Algorithm Based on Joint Spectral Clustering and Neighborhood Mutual Information |
HU Minjie, ZHENG Liping, TANG Li, LIN Yaojin |
School of Computer Science, Minnan Normal University, Zhangzhou 363000 |
Abstract Aiming at some potential correlation between features in feature space, spectral clustering and neighborhood mutual information are exploited to explore the correlation features and obtain maximal relevant feature subset, respectively. And a feature selection algorithm combining spectral clustering and neighborhood mutual information is proposed. In this paper, the neighborhood mutual information is firstly applied to remove uncorrelated features, and then the spectral clustering is utilized to group features. The features of the same group are strongly correlated and the features of different groups are strongly different. Then, the feature subset strongly associated with class label is selected from each feature group. Finally, all selected feature subsets are collected together to form the final selected features. Extensive experiment is conducted with two different classifiers. Experimental results show that the proposed model effectively improves the classification performance with less features.
Received: 10 May 2017
Fund:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.61303131), S&T Program of the Department of Education of Fujian Province(No.JAT170347,JAT1703501) |
About author:: (HU Minjie(Corresponding author), born in 1979, master, lecturer. Her research interests include feature selection.) (ZHENG Liping, born in 1977, master, lecturer. Her research interests include data mining.) (TANG Li, born in 1993, master student. Her research interests include data mining.) (LIN Yaojin, born in 1980, Ph.D., associate professor. His research interests include data mining and granular computing.) |
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