Deep Unsupervised Hashing with Pseudo Pairwise Labels |
LIN Jiwen1, LIU Huawen2 |
1.College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004 |
Abstract It is difficult to obtain high-quality hash codes for unsupervised deep hashing methods due to the lack of similarity supervised information. Therefore, an end-to-end deep unsupervised hashing model based on pseudo-pairwise labels is proposed. Statistical analysis is performed on the image features extracted by the pre-trained deep convolutional neural network to construct the semantic similarity labels for data. Supervised deep hashing based on pairwise labels is then conducted. Experiments on commonly used image datasets CIFAR-10 and NUS-WIDE indicate that hash codes obtained by the proposed method perform better on image retrieval.
Received: 12 November 2019
Fund:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 61572443), Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (No. LY14F020019) |
Corresponding Authors:
LIU Huawen, Ph.D., professor. His research interests include data mining, feature selection and machine learning.
About author:: LIN Jiwen, master student. His research interests include learning to hash and large-scale image retrieval. |
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