Weight Adaptive Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning Based on Noise Contrastive Estimation |
GUAN Weifan1,2, ZHANG Xi1 |
1. National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190; 2. School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 |
Abstract The traditional imitation learning requires expert demonstrations of extremely high quality. This restriction not only increases the difficulty of data collection but also limits application scenarios of algorithms. To address this problem, weight adaptive generative adversarial imitation learning based on noise contrastive estimation(GLANCE) is proposed to maintain high performance in scenarios where the quality of expert demonstration is inconsistent. Firstly, a feature extractor is trained by noise contrastive estimation to improve the feature distribution of suboptimal expert demonstrations. Then, weight coefficients are set for the expert demonstrations, and generative adversarial imitation learning is performed on the expert demonstrations after redistribution based on the weight coefficients. Finally, ranking loss is calculated based on the known relative ranking evaluation data and weight coefficients are optimized through gradient descent to improve the data distribution. Experiments on multiple continuous control tasks show that GLANCE only needs to obtain 5% of the expert demonstrations dataset as evaluation data to achieve superior performance while the quality of the expert demonstration is inconsistent.
Received: 25 November 2022
Fund:National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2020AAA0103400) |
Corresponding Authors:
ZHANG Xi, Ph.D., associate professor. Her research interests include machine learning and reinforcement lear-ning.
About author:: GUAN Weifan, master student. His research interests include reinforcement lear-ning and imitation learning. |
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