Abstract Inspired by the way in which humans perceive the environment,a memory-based cognitive model for visual information processing is proposed to imitate some cognitive functions of human brain. The proposed model includes five components: information granule,memory spaces cognitive behaviors,rules for manipulating information among memory spaces,and decision-making processes. According to the three-stage memory model of human brain,three memory spaces are defined to store the current,temporal and permanent visual information respectively,i.e. ultra short-term memory space (USTMS),short-term memory space (STMS) and long-term memory space (LTMS). The past scenes can be remembered or forgotten by the proposed model,and thus the model can adapt to the variation of the scene. The proposed model is applied to two hot issues in computer vision: background modeling and object tracking. Experimental results show that the proposed model can deal with scenes with sudden background,object appearance changing and heavy object occlusions under complex background.
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