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  2013, Vol. 26 Issue (2): 159-168    DOI:
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A Fast Learning Algorithm Based on Minimum Enclosing Ballfor Large Domain Adaptation
XU Min1,2,WANG Shi-Tong1,GU Xin1,3,YU Lin2
1.School of Digital Media,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122
2.School of Internet of Things Engineering,Wuxi Institute of Technology,Wuxi 214121
3.Wuxi Northern Lake Optical Co.,Ltd.,Wuxi 214035

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Abstract  The data fields detected from different times,places or devices are not always complete even if they come from the same data resource. To solve the problem of effectively transferring the knowledge between the two fields,the theorem is proposed that the difference between two probability distributions from two domains can be expressed by the center of each domain′s minimum enclosing ball and its up limit has nothing to do with the radius. Based on the theorem,a fast center calibration domain adaptive algorithm,center calibration-core sets support vector data description (CC-CSVDD),is proposed for large domain adaptation by modifying the original support vector domain description (SVDD) algorithm. The validity of the proposed algorithm is experimentally verified on the artificial datasets and the real KDD CUP-99 datasets. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has good performance.
Key wordsDomain Adaptation      Support Vector Domain Description(SVDD)      Minimum Enclosing Ball(MEB)       Core Set      Large Data Set     
Received: 15 June 2011     
ZTFLH: TP181  
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XU Min
WANG Shi-Tong
GU Xin
YU Lin
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XU Min,WANG Shi-Tong,GU Xin等. A Fast Learning Algorithm Based on Minimum Enclosing Ballfor Large Domain Adaptation[J]. , 2013, 26(2): 159-168.
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