Abstract:The key to image classification methods based on convolutional neural networks is to extract distinctive important features. To focus on crucial features and enhance the generalization ability of the model, double-branch multi-attention mechanism based sharpness-aware classification network(DAMSNet) is proposed. Based on the ResNet-34 residual network, the size of the convolutional kernel in the input layer of the network is modified and the max pooling layer is removed to reduce the loss of original image features. Then, the double-branch multi-attention mechanism module is designed and embedded into the residual branch to extract the global and local contextual information in both channel and spatial domains. Additionally, sharpness-aware minimization(SAM) algorithm is introduced and combined with stochastic gradient descent optimizer to simultaneously minimize both loss value and loss sharpness, seeking for neighboring parameters with consistently low loss to enhance the generalization ability of the network. Experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and SVHN datasets demonstrate that DAMSNet achieves high classification accuracy and effectively enhances the generalization ability of the network.
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