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Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
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22 Chinese Association of Automation
22 National ResearchCenter for Intelligent Computing System
22 Institute of Intelligent Machines,Chinese Academy of Sciences
2012 Vol.25 Issue.6, Published 25 December 2012

Orignal Article   
Orignal Article
885 A Delaunay Triangulation Based Diversity Metric for Solution Set of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
ZHENG Jin-Hua, WANG Kang, LI Mi-Qing, XIE Zhun-Zhi
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 885-893 [Abstract] ( 431 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 903KB] ( 673 )
894 Clustering Analysis of Gene Expression Data Based on Transitive Co-Expression
WANG Wen-Jun
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 894-899 [Abstract] ( 667 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 767KB] ( 623 )
900 Lie Group Means Learning Algorithm
GAO Cong, LI Fan-Zhang
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 900-908 [Abstract] ( 913 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 621KB] ( 1289 )
909 A Self-Adaptive Method for Optimizing the Parameters of Pulse Coupled Neural Network Based on QPSO Algorithm
XU Xin-Zheng, DING Shi-Fei, SHI Zhong-Zhi, ZHAO Zuo-Peng, ZHU Hong
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 909-915 [Abstract] ( 437 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1041KB] ( 804 )
916 TLS-NAP Algorithm for Text-Independent Speaker Recognition
HE Liang, YANG Yi, LIU Jia
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 916-921 [Abstract] ( 682 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 417KB] ( 686 )
922 Multi-Level Attribute Reduction Methods Based on Concept Lattice
YANG Kai, MA Yuan
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 922-927 [Abstract] ( 549 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 392KB] ( 531 )
928 Influence of Perturbations of Training Pattern Pairs on Stability of Polygonal Fuzzy Neural Network
SUI Xiao-Lin, WANG Gui-Jun
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 928-936 [Abstract] ( 427 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 795KB] ( 589 )
937 Gaussian Mixture Model Based on Variable Factor-Integration for Speaker Recognition
LI Jie,LIU He-Ping
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 937-942 [Abstract] ( 329 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 347KB] ( 549 )
943 A Two-Stage Support Vector Machine Algorithm Based on Meta Learning and Stacking Generalization
ZHU Min, LI Xue-Ling, LI Xiao-Lai, GE Yun-Jian
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 943-949 [Abstract] ( 785 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 528KB] ( 777 )
950 Coordinate Descent Algorithms for Large-Scale SVDD
TAO Qing, LUO Qiang, ZHU Ye-Lei, CHU De-Jun
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 950-957 [Abstract] ( 646 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 539KB] ( 1185 )
958 Review on Image Segmentation Based on Entropy
CAO Jian-Nong
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 958-971 [Abstract] ( 901 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1331KB] ( 3307 )
972 Contour Curve Descriptor Based on Affine Invariance
ZHANG Gui-Mei, XIONG Yi-Wen, MA Ke
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 972-978 [Abstract] ( 494 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 445KB] ( 997 )
979 A Method for Online Handwritten Uyghur Character Recognition
Mayire IBRAYIM, ZHANG Heng, LIU Cheng-Lin, Askar HAMDULLA
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 979-986 [Abstract] ( 661 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 665KB] ( 858 )
987 An Improved Fast FCM Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Region Feature Analysis
XU Shao-Ping, LIU Xiao-Ping, LI Chun-Quan, HU Ling-Yan, YANG Xiao-Hui
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 987-995 [Abstract] ( 569 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1259KB] ( 1423 )
996 A Text Clustering Method Based on Speech to Text and Improved Center Selection
SHI Kan-Sheng, LIU Hai-Tao, SONG Wen-Tao
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 996-1001 [Abstract] ( 407 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 410KB] ( 927 )
1002 Dynamic Self-Organizing Landmark Extraction Method Based on 2-Dimensional Growing Dynamic Self-Organizing Feature Map
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 1002-1006 [Abstract] ( 382 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 864KB] ( 604 )
1007 Hand Motion Classification Based on Eye-Moving Assisted EEG
MENG Ming, LUO Zhi-Zeng
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 1007-1012 [Abstract] ( 510 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 841KB] ( 1172 )
1013 Impact of Pattern Feature on Pattern Matching Problem with Wildcards and Length Constraints
WANG Hai-Ping, HU Xue-Gang, XIE Fei, GUO Dan, WU Xin-Dong
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 1013-1021 [Abstract] ( 319 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 455KB] ( 689 )
1022 A Multi-Objective Intelligent Optimization Based on the Principle of Light
SHEN Ji-Hong, WANG Kan
2012 Vol. 25 (6): 1022-1030 [Abstract] ( 505 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 636KB] ( 865 )

Supervised by
China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by
Chinese Association of Automation
NationalResearchCenter for Intelligent Computing System
Institute of Intelligent Machines, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Published by
Science Press
Copyright © 2010 Editorial Office of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
Address: No.350 Shushanhu Road, Hefei, Anhui Province, P.R. China Tel: 0551-65591176 Fax:0551-65591176 Email: bjb@iim.ac.cn
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