Decomposition Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Differentiated Neighborhood Strategy
WANG Liping1,2, WU Feng1,2, ZHANG Mengzi1,2, QIU Feiyue3
1.College of Economics and Management, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023 2.Institute of Information Intelligence and Decision Optimization, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014 3.College of Educational Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023
Abstract:The performance of the decomposition-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is easily affected by the neighborhood of a subproblem. When the neighborhood is too large, the new solutions generated by the population propagation deviate from the Pareto set and the frequency of comparison between new solutions and old solutions in the neighborhood is increased for the updating subproblems. Consequently, the computational complexity of the algorithm is increased. If the neighborhood is too small, the algorithm easily falls into the local optimum. To solve this problem, a decomposed multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on differentiated neighborhood strategy(MOEA/D-DN) is proposed. The suitable parameters are selected by analyzing the influence of different neighborhood sizes on the algorithm performance and different sizes of neighborhood for each subproblem are set according to the angle between their weight vectors and the central vector. Thus, the resource of algorithm is allocated more rationally and the velocity of searching for the optimal solution is also improved. Finally, the experimental results on the test functions of 2 dimensional ZDT and 3-5 dimensional DTLZ show that the convergence rate and the performance of MOEA/D-DN algorithm are improved obviously and the computational resource allocation of the algorithm is more reasonable. The overall solution quality is better.
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