Abstract:The class information of the data is sufficiently utilized and a feature extraction algorithm is proposed called graph-optimized linear discriminant projection (GoLDP) based on graph-optimized locality preserving projection (GoLPP). The graph of GoLDP is constructed by optimizing an objective function, which is similar to GoLPP. GoLDP constructs two optimal graphs (optimal intrinsic graph and optimal penalty graph) by using class information, which is different from GoLPP, and obtains the optimal projection matrix according to these two optimal graphs. Experimental results on FERET and YALE face databases and the PolyU palmprint database demonstrate the effectiveness of GoLDP.
殷俊,金忠. 图最优化线性鉴别投影及其在图像识别中的应用[J]. 模式识别与人工智能, 2011, 24(5): 658-664.
YIN Jun, JIN Zhong. Graph-Optimized Linear Discriminant Projection and Its Application to Image Recognition. , 2011, 24(5): 658-664.
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