Binocular Stereo Matching Algorithm Based on Labeled Matching Region Correction
ZHOU Jiali1,2, CHEN Yu1, WU Chao1, WU Min3
1. College of Science, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023 2. Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technology of Zhe-jiang Province, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027 3. School of Sciences, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023
Abstract:Binocular stereo vision is an accurate and effective measurement method. A binocular stereo matching method for label matching region correction is proposed. Based on the conventional graph cuts algorithm, the matching region is corrected by the spatial geometrical information of the block and a higher subpixel accuracy matching disparity map is obtained. Firstly, the correction transformation is determined by label and spatial geometrical information, and consequently the pixel information of the matching area of the left and right images are fully exploited. Then, the candidate 3D label is updated repeatedly to find the label minimizing the global energy. Finally, the left-right checking and the mean filtering are utilized to refine the disparity map. Experiments show that the proposed method is effective in finding a good, smooth piecewise linear disparity map with higher accuracy for edge region and occlusion region.
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