Multi-label Learning for Non-equilibrium Labels Completion in Neighborhood Labels Space
CHENG Yusheng1,2, ZHAO Dawei1, QIAN Kun1
1.School of Computer and Information, Anqing Normal University, Anqing 246133
2.University Key Laboratory of Intelligent Perception and Computing of Anhui Province, Anqing Normal University, Anqing 246133
The correlation between labels are studied through the related information about the marked labels. However, the influence of the relationship between unmarked and marked labels on the quality of the multi-label set is not taken into account. Inspired by k-nearest neighbors(KNN), a non-equilibrium labels completion of neighboring labels space(NeLC-NLS) is proposed to improve the quality of the neighboring label space and the performance of the multi-label classification. Firstly, the information entropy between labels is utilized to measure the strength of the relationship between labels, and the confidence matrix of the basic label is obtained. Then, the confidence matrix of non-equilibrium labels containing more information is obtained via the proposed non-equilibrium label confidence matrix. Secondly, the similarity of samples is measured in the feature space and the k-nearest neighbors are obtained. Then, the non-equilibrium labels completion matrix is employed to calculate the label completion matrix of the neighboring labels space. Finally, the extreme learning machine is adopted as a linear classifier. The experimental results of the proposed algorithm on 8 public multi-label datasets show that NeLC-NLS is superior to other multi-label learning algorithms. The effectiveness of NeLC-NLS is further illustrated by using hypothesis testing and stability analysis.
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