A Glasses-Occluded Face Recognition Method Based on 3D Face Reconstruction
XIONG Peng-Fei1,2, LIU Chang-Ping1, HUANG Lei1
1.Character Recognition Engineering Center, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 2.Graduate University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049
Abstract:The instability of eyeglasses treated as facial features is the primary obstacle in glasses-occluded face recognition. The facial features are easily lost by the existing method while eliminating the influence of instable glasses characteristics. To avoid this problem, a 3D realistic face model reconstruction is applied for virtual face images generation to compensate the instability of the glasses. In the method, the glasses are set as an inherent part of face. 3D face reconstruction increases the feasibility of parameter adjustment for different glasses models. Based on this, various influences of glasses segment on face recognition are analyzed. Also, corresponding solutions to image distortion by lens blur and reflection are carried out. Experiments on CAS-PEAL database demonstrate the improvement of the proposed method on face recognition rate and verify the effectiveness of lens treatment.
熊鹏飞,刘昌平,黄磊. 基于三维建模的眼镜遮挡下人脸识别[J]. 模式识别与人工智能, 2011, 24(5): 692-699.
XIONG Peng-Fei, LIU Chang-Ping, HUANG Lei. A Glasses-Occluded Face Recognition Method Based on 3D Face Reconstruction. , 2011, 24(5): 692-699.
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